Ask us about running these workshops for your organisation

With Sheelagh Keddie: Sundoor Certified Corporate Firewalk Instructor and Motivational Trainer

What do great companies all have?

  • Vision?

  • Committed staff?

  • Energy?

Yes and No – you can have all of these and fail. Why? What’s missing is focus: the ability to harness ALL these essential elements and forge a unified focussed organisation.

Sheelagh Keddie and her associates provide inspiring training which will forge those elements together and enable you to create success.
You may want this provided as a stand alone event or within your own staff training programme. Each event is tailored to your needs whilst incorporating the training tools that have been key elements for companies such as American Express and Microsoft.

Seminars include:
Fire and Focus - when you’ve walked together on fire everything is possible.

Fusion and fission: when groups learn how to energise and support each individual then synergy and power can be harnessed for the corporate goals.

Don’t watch from the sidelines: use these trainings now to make that quantum leap: for your company, for your teams, for everyone.


Sheelagh Keddie - Empowering organisations and individuals, building teams and visions