Ask us about running this workshop in your area


With Sheelagh Keddie, Life Coach and Certified Sundoor International Master and Jane Paul, Actress, Therapist and Certified Sundoor International Master


On this weekend you will reconnect with the 3 essential parts of your life:

You, Spirit, Nature

  • Imagine having the time and opportunity to look at where your life has gone in the last 6 months or more and where you truly want to go
  • Imagine fulfilling your dreams, knowing and being who you want to be and sharing your unique gifts with the world.
  • Imagine coming away with new insights, leaving behind the cobwebs and any difficulties and uncertainty that are weighing you down and taking practical and powerful tools with you to use in your daily life
  • Imagine your life with harmony

Using a unique combination of spiritual resources, drama and coaching Sheelagh and Jane will facilitate this workshop so that you can go out and make a difference in your life. We believe what we offer is unique in blending these different traditions into one holistic weekend. You will find the weekend empowering, liberating, enthusing and fun. We believe that fun is an important element of life and so our courses are both deep and light. We will be using knowledge, ideas and activities to create a synergy that will inspire and fire you.


Sheelagh Keddie - Empowering organisations and individuals, building teams and visions